3 Mistakes to Avoid when you next invest in AV Technology
Written by: David Allara
If you are considering an investment in new Audio Visual Technology for your organisation, and you are not working with an Independent AV Expert, then you are making a big mistake. I guarantee you will be setting yourself up to waste tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on the size of the project. You will also be wasting a lot of your precious time.
By not working with an independent AV expert, you will end up with sub-optimal technology solutions that do not meet your true needs. I guarantee you will be disappointed!
Allow me to outline the “Recipe for Failure” that I have seen all too often in my 15 years’ experience in the professional Audio visual industry.
- You start by doing some research on the Internet. You don’t really know what you need, or why, so you try and learn about current and future trends. From there you try to figure out what products and solutions might be right for you. The problem is you are not an AV expert, and don’t know what you don’t know. Educating yourself is always a good idea, but you are essentially wasting a lot of time.
- In some cases you might speak to a colleague in your industry that has undertaken a similar Audio Visual Technology investment. Learning from their experience is useful, but given your requirements will be unique in more ways than you realise, again, you are wasting your time.
- Finally, and this is what most people do, you reach out to Vendors or Contractors in the AV industry and speak to them about your options. You may even get some quotes from them. The big problem with relying on vendors and contractors too early on in the process is their underlying conflict of interest. It’s not in their best interest to understand you, your organisation, or what your true needs are. Their focus is on selling you products and solutions, whether they are the perfect fit for you or not.
Relying solely on vendors or contractors early on, before getting expert independent advice, is the number 1 reason I see organisations getting themselves into trouble.
Every successful AV project must start with a proper Needs Analysis. Work with an independent AV expert to get clear on your true requirements, and why they are important to your organisation; Irrespective of the size of your project, and irrespective of type. There might be meeting spaces, teaching spaces, entertainment venues, retail stores, hotels, courtrooms, a command and control centre, a museum, a customer experience centre, or even a large stadium. It doesn’t matter.
Don’t make the mistake of rushing into anything.
– Get clear on your needs first,
– Then get clear on the best AV technology options for you, and,
– Lastly get clear on the potential investment options as well.
Here at konnectus, we offer a range of Needs Analysis packages that guarantee results. We also offer tailored solutions if you require something more bespoke.
We’re here to help.